7th Edition of International Young Scientist Awards

Marine Engineer: A marine engineer is a professional responsible for the design, construction, and maintenance of marine vessels and structures. They oversee the technical aspects of ship systems, propulsion, power generation, and ensure compliance with safety and environmental regulations.

Marine engineering is a specialized branch of engineering that focuses on the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of marine vessels and structures. It encompasses various disciplines, including mechanical, electrical, and naval architecture, to ensure the safe and efficient functioning of ships, submarines, offshore platforms, and other marine installations.

International Young Scientist Awards website
Submit your Abstract below nomination link 
Nomination Link : https://x-i.me/suwyou5 

Young Scientist awards is the Researchers and Research organizations around the world in the motive of Encouraging and Honoring them for their Significant contributions & Achievements for the Advancement in their field of expertise. Researchers and scholars of all nationalities are eligible to receive Young Scientist Awards . Nominees are judged on past accomplishments, research excellence, and outstanding academic achievements.

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