7th Edition of International Young Scientist Award

Exploring the Marvels of Coral Reefs

A coral reef is a diverse underwater ecosystem formed by colonies of tiny organisms called coral polyps. It is one of the most vibrant and productive ecosystems on the planet, teeming with a wide array of marine life
International Young Scientist Awards
website link: youngscientistawards.com
Submit your Abstract below nomination link
Nomination Link : https://x-i.me/suwyou5
#youngscientist #sciencerocks #physicist #scientist #laboratory
#biologist #science #microbiology #

Young Scientist awards is the Researchers and Research organizations around the world in the motive of Encouraging and Honoring them for their Significant contributions & Achievements for the Advancement in their field of expertise. Researchers and scholars of all nationalities are eligible to receive Young Scientist Awards . Nominees are judged on past accomplishments, research excellence, and outstanding academic achievements.



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