9th Edition of International Young Scientist Awards


9th Edition of International Young Scientist Awards
A cyclone is a large-scale weather system characterized by low atmospheric pressure at its center and rotating winds around it. Cyclones can occur in different parts of the world and are known by various names depending on the region
#Cyclone: A general hashtag used to discuss cyclones and related topics.

#TropicalCyclone: Specifically used for discussions and updates related to tropical cyclones.

#Hurricane: Pertaining to hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean and eastern Pacific Ocean.

#Typhoon: Specifically used for discussions and updates related to typhoons in the western Pacific Ocean.

#CycloneAlert: Used to share alerts and warnings related to cyclones.

#StormWatch: Applicable for both tropical and extratropical cyclones, indicating a watch for severe storms.

#CyclonePreparedness: Focused on sharing information and tips for preparing for cyclones.

#CycloneUpdates: Used to share real-time updates, news, and developments regarding cyclones.

#CycloneSafety: Discussing safety measures and precautions during cyclones.

#CycloneRelief: Used to highlight efforts and initiatives for providing relief and assistance in cyclone-affected areas.
International Conference on Young Scientist


International Young Scientist Awards website

Submit your Abstract below nomination link 
Nomination Link : https://x-i.me/suwyou5 

Young Scientist awards is the Researchers and Research organizations around the world in the motive of Encouraging and Honoring them for their Significant contributions & Achievements for the Advancement in their field of expertise. Researchers and scholars of all nationalities are eligible to receive Young Scientist Awards . Nominees are judged on past accomplishments, research excellence, and outstanding academic achievements.

 #youngscientist #sciencerocks #physicist #scientist #laboratory #biologist #science #microbiology #biotech #biochemistry #technology #study #universe #medicalstudent #research 

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