Scientists propose a hunt for never-before-seen ‘tauonium’ atoms

Atoms are normally made of a nucleus and electrons. But scientists are proposing a hunt for a new variety of atom without either. Tauonium (sometimes called “ditauonium” or “true tauonium”) would consist of a negatively charged tau lepton, and its positively charged antimatter counterpart, an antitau.

Tau leptons are relatives of electrons. Each tau has about 3,500 times an electron’s mass, making it heavier than a proton. In the 1950s, scientists discovered an atom called positronium, consisting of an electron and its positively charged antiparticle, a positron. Tauonium, if discovered, would be a burlier atom.

Scientists propose searching for tauonium by smashing electrons and positrons together at a future particle collider designed to produce tau leptons, which has been proposed in both China and Russia. Such facilities could find tauonium within a year of starting up, physicist Jing-Hang Fu of Beihang University in Beijing and colleagues report April 4 in Science Bulletin. The researchers propose looking at the ratio of the probability of two different types of particle interactions in the collisions, to reduce experimental uncertainty.

Overview of Tauonium

Tauonium is a theoretical exotic atom composed of a tau lepton (τ⁻) and its antiparticle, the tau antilepton (τ⁺). Unlike ordinary atoms, which consist of protons, neutrons, and electrons, tauonium would be a purely leptonic atom. The tau lepton is the heaviest of the three charged leptons (the others being the electron and the muon), and it decays rapidly, making the existence of tauonium very short-lived and challenging to detect.
Scientific MotivationFundamental Physics: Discovering tauonium would provide valuable insights into the interactions between leptons and the nature of the fundamental forces, particularly the weak force.
Testing Theories: Observing tauonium could serve as a test for quantum electrodynamics (QED) in the high-mass regime and could help validate or challenge the Standard Model of particle physics.
Exotic Atoms: Similar to positronium (an electron and a positron) and muonium (a muon and an electron), tauonium belongs to a class of exotic atoms that offer unique experimental probes into particle physics.
ChallengesShort Lifespan: Tau leptons have an extremely short mean lifetime (~290 femtoseconds), making tauonium atoms very difficult to observe.
Detection Methods: Advanced detection methods and high-energy particle colliders would be required to create and observe tauonium atoms.
Experimental Setup: Identifying the unique decay signatures of tauonium requires precise and sophisticated experimental setups, likely involving large-scale facilities like the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) or future high-energy colliders.
Experimental ApproachesCollider Experiments: High-energy particle collisions, such as those conducted at the LHC, might produce tauonium atoms. Researchers would need to analyze the decay products of tauons to identify signatures indicative of tauonium formation.
Particle Decays: Studying the decay patterns of tau leptons in high-precision experiments could reveal hints of tauonium atoms.
Theoretical Predictions: Enhanced theoretical models and simulations can guide experimental searches by predicting the conditions under which tauonium might form and decay.
Recent Research and ProposalsTheoretical Papers: Researchers have published various theoretical papers discussing the properties, formation mechanisms, and potential observation methods for tauonium. These papers often involve complex calculations within the framework of QED and the Standard Model.
Experimental Proposals: Proposals for future experiments often suggest upgrades to existing particle detectors or the development of new technologies capable of detecting the unique signatures of tauonium decays.
Implications of DiscoveryNew Physics: Discovering tauonium could open up new avenues for exploring beyond the Standard Model physics, possibly hinting at new particles or interactions.
Enhanced Understanding: It would enhance our understanding of lepton-lepton interactions and the fundamental symmetries of nature.
Technological Advancements: The search for tauonium could drive technological advancements in particle detection and collider technology.

The proposal to hunt for tauonium atoms is a fascinating and challenging endeavor in modern particle physics. While the detection of tauonium remains theoretical at this stage, advancements in experimental techniques and theoretical models could eventually make this discovery possible, offering new insights into the fundamental particles and forces that govern our universe.

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